If you are reading this I hope you are here! We want to welcome you if it is your first time and welcome back our returning friends.
A few "rules" while attending.
- Have Fun.
- Introduce yourself.
- Do not disrespect the host hotel owners or property.
- Stay off the grass with everything except your feet (overflow parking is exception).
- Enter and depart only from the paved driveway.
- Do not confuse the owners home with the office. The office is setback slightly (its closest to the road) and is not under the car port. (read the signs and do not upset Jethro).
- Have fun.
- Do not use pool towels for cars or motorcycles, see Kipp in room 11 if you need a towel for this purpose.
- Do not discharge fireworks or weapons, there is an animal daycare next door, be neighborly.
- Do not destroy the rooms, we want to be welcomed guests (no cooking, smoking, etc.).
- Do not litter, there are trash cans everywhere.
- Reach out to me (Kipp) if needed at 256-278-5783 and also in room 11 (normally).
- Have Fun.
- No politics, we all need a break from it.